Just do it... later...

This past week has been interesting. My plans did not execute as I intended. Original the short story Death in the Mountains was supposed to be released on Friday or someday over the past weekend.

Just do it... later...

This past week has been interesting. My plans did not execute as I intended. Original the short story Death in the Mountains was supposed to be released on Friday or someday over the past weekend. Still, over the past week, I caught myself binging an "In another world anime" named "How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom". I also started the manga "Mashle, Magic and Muscles", in preparation for its upcoming anime adaptation. In short I... procrastinated... Regardless I will still at the very least stay committed to my weeklies and with that in today's post we will talk about Procrastination. (If an opinionated review for certain content is requested I will try my best to comply, not sure if my opinions will paint a good picture though.)

It's a picture I got of google of Mashle, wow.

While reading mangas and watching the animes, I realized that one of my favorite fantasy escapes is from such media, and that is the simplicity of flow between intention, planning, and execution. For example in a generic fantasy world, the hero requires a magical sword to slay the demon lord bent on world domination. The demon lord in the scenario may be the overarching goal but for now, let's focus on acquiring the magical legendary sword, the only sword that is capable of slaying said demon lord. To acquire the magic sword, the task, the hero will face challenges that are part of the journey. Maybe the sword is guarded by an army of undead or the sword must be forged by combining the tears of an angel and some cosmic otherworldly metal. Either way, the hero will act in a manner that will help them complete the task. Every action they take will be towards completing their goals. That is the power that all heroes in fantasy stories have that I find so fantastical. The easy flow between having an intent, then creating a plan (sometimes), and then execution/action. I know I am minimizing the effort the hero makes in achieving the feats they do, but as an observer, I am in awe and amazed by their drive and conviction.

This is not to say I want to be driven by a singular goal and everything I do, every inch of my being is for that singular purpose. I personally believe a little procrastination is healthy as I do not want to burn myself out and if I don't finish something today I can try again tomorrow... maybe. This leads me to believe that maybe, just maybe there is a balance to be had, I guess in corporate work terms, there needs to be work-life balance. Of course, priorities do matter and every situation is different but sometimes I don't want to feel guilty because I want to take a break from writing a short story because something came up or maybe I have no inspiration at the time. Writing this article is honestly a very interesting exercise because I went into this with nothing in mind except the slight panic of knowing I wanted something to be published by 10:00 pm EST and there is no way in hell I am waking up at 6:00 am and jeopardizing my precious sleepy times to write this. I procrastinated in writing this article but it's okay as I'll work around it.

So, you may be wondering yourself where this post is going, what am I rambling on about, what's the message, and to be honest I am not so sure myself. I only wanted to talk about procrastination and yet here we are. If I had to choose a message it would be this, reflected in the seemingly goalless nature of this article. Even though every success guru, mentor, and maybe even your mother is saying you should strive for success, hustle, and grind towards whatever goal you have in mind, sometimes it's okay to be goalless. I don't know if this needs to be said for you, who is reading but it is okay to flounder about sometimes. Though there may be a reason for everything not every action needs a reason... Does that make sense, I felt as though that made more sense in my head...

Okay, let me try again. If you are feeling guilty for taking things slow, don't. Slow or fast, you will eventually get where you need to be and sometimes it's not a terrible idea to stop and smell the roses as cliche as that might be.

Another anime that I watched recently that totally embodies the vibe I think this post is going for is "Banished from the Heros Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside". Can you tell I've been a little too into my anime recently? The procrastination was strong this week.

Okay! So Death in the Mountains is definitely coming so stay tuned, subscribe I guess? Paraquill will send you an update on all future releases! Talk soon. Bye~